Detroit People Mover buying replacement rail cars from Toronto
WindsorOntarioNews.com Jan 29 2025
Perhaps a little-known fact but the Detroit People Mover, the almost three-mile elevated loop that partly encircles downtown Detroit, was built with Canadian technology. It uses rail cars manufactured in Kingston Ontario. Basically, the system is the same as Vancouver’s Skytrain. Now the Detroit Dept. of Transportation (DDOT) is replacing its first-generation cars which date from the 1980s. And it is purchasing more Canuck vehicles, this time from the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). The cars ran on the Scarborough elevated line but which was closed following a derailment in July 2023. That line is to be replaced by an extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway. Detroit is paying $6 million for the train sets, saving several million dollars by purchasing secondhand instead of new. It expects the fleet to be replaced by 2026. Meanwhile $10 million has been spent on upgrading the People Mover stations and technology. And in an effort to boost ridership the People Mover continues to offer free fares into 2025. It’s a scheme that helped ridership hit more than one million people last year matching pre-pandemic levels. The People Mover has also increased its operating hours. The system’s technology was developed by Kingston-based Urban Transportation Development Corp. owned by the Province of Ontario.
Residents - even one ex-Windsorite - speak against cuts to tunnel bus
WindsorOntarioNews.com Jan 14 2025
Several residents – and even one Torontonian – spoke out against proposed cuts to Transit Windsor including the only city to city international route in North America, the tunnel bus. They appeared before city council this week after a leaked report showed the city is looking at cuts including eliminating the cross-border service. “Ex-Windsorite” Alim Nathoo called the tunnel bus a “very vital service” and used it as recently as last summer. Eliminating would be “a big mistake” and “detriment,” he said. It’s “low cost, affordable” and people rely on it “for school, medical appointments and for sports and family connections” and he said the city would also “lose a lot of tourism dollars.” Representatives with Activate Transit, a lobby group formed in 2022, said the city's $1.4 million cut is “not very transparent” about what reductions would take place, citing a further $2 million fare increase but “no new net investment” in service. This on top of a fare increase last year of 15% making the city “the most expensive” for transit among “comparable municipalities” at $3.75/ride. And Windsor also funds transit “the least operating dollars per capita.” Further, there is a proposed fare increase this year of 3.23%. The group said there has been “no consultation” with the community and that the tunnel bus has already had reduced service and increased fares. A rider survey by Activate Transit found “frustration” as buses sometimes “bypass” or “don’t show up at all.” Stephanie Taylor, disabled, uses the tunnel bus for family connections and pointed to a petition of more than 3500 names to save it. “It is essential that I have the support of my father and my American family” and said the loss would be “devastating and discriminatory.”
CBSA to roll out new phone app in 2026 to pre-submit personal travel info
WindsorOntarioNews.com Dec 16 2024
Starting in 2026 people travelling to the United States will be required to submit photos and license plate numbers before arriving stateside. It’s part of the new Traveller Modernization initiative to help streamline cross-border movements. The program was first reported by the website Blacklock’s Reporter. According to the report Canadians will have to “provide their biographic, biometric declaration and other border related information prior to arriving at the port of entry.” They will do this through a new phone app and submit a digital photo, advance declaration and licence plate information. A similar system will be rolled out for marine passengers in 2027 and for airline passengers in 2028 according to the report. This is separate from the current ArriveCan app, launched during Covid but still very much in voluntary use. The CBSA says the new app is designed to deal with security threats and economic and migratory trends among the increasing number of travellers. The agency says this will improve border crossing efficiency. It has also taken “careful steps” to alleviate concerns about privacy. “When you provide your information as you enter Canada we make sure to protect and secure it,” the agency said. “We do not keep it for any longer than we need to.” There is already data collection on travellers exiting the country. In 2019 the CBSA was permitted to work with US border officials to do so. Called the Exit Information Regulations, the program compiles travel histories of all people leaving the country by land and air. CBSA contains info from US Customs with the record of entry into the US serving as a record of exit from Canada and in the case of air travel from the commercial airlines.
T-Rex travelling show at Mi-Sci
WindsorOntarioNews.com Dec 1 2024
The Michigan Science Center (Mi-Sci) this weekend opened the traveling exhibit, "Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family. There are various fun-filled activities to channel your inner dino. In Mi-Sci's interactive Play Lab exhibit, kids can build dinosaur block structures. At the Gamer's Village, they can test their skills in a building challenge “designed to inspire young engineers.” Kids and families can also enjoy fossil tracing activities and explore owl pellet bones in the Portal to STEM area, where they’ll uncover even more info about prehistoric life and ancient creatures’ ecosystems. On level three, the public can experience the all-new Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family exhibit itself. It showcases an :extraordinary collection of towering life-size tyrannosaur skeleton casts, fossils and interactive elements, transporting guests back millions of years to the Cretaceous Period when dinosaurs roamed the Earth,” says the museum. The travelling exhibit is supported by Ford Philanthropy, first created by the Australian Museum and is toured internationally. Other features include Scotty: A 15-foot skeleton cast from a fossilized T. rex discovered in Saskatchewan. T. Rex Cousins: Stand next to life-sized replicas of Daspletosaurus, Albertosaurs, and Lynthronax. The are also displays that show the fascinating connections between birds and dinosaurs. Check out real fossils, augmented reality and interactives. Anddon;lt forget IMAX® with Dinosaurs of Antarctica. Mi-Sci is located at 5020 John R. Street in Midtown, Detroit and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday and until 8 p.m. the first Friday of every month. For details visit www.mi-sci.org.
This winter wonderland is interactive
WindsorOntarioNews.com Nov. 15 2024
Glenlore Trails lets you get outdoors and be interactive with nature at the same time. It’s Michigan’s largest and longest illuminated walk-thru forest. The annual holiday-themed experience transforms a one-mile forest trail in Commerce Township just northwest of Detroit. This year's Winter Wonderland theme, "Aurora" blends technology with nature “creating a magical hands-on adventure,” say organizers. Visitors will encounter touch-sensitive light installations, motion-triggered displays, enchanted holiday sounds, interactive games, and a unique twist – magic wands that unlock hidden surprises. Aurora is aka the Northern Lights, so this experience is similarly designed to captivate guests “under a shimmering sky of brilliant lights.” Glenlore Trails is located at 3860 Newtown Road in Commerce Township, MI 48382. Tickets are on sale now at www.GlenloreTrails.com. It takes about an hour to navigate the trail, which opens at dusk. “Glenlore Trails Aurora's Winter Wonderland experience makes for an unforgettable family outing, a fun-filled hangout with friends, or a magical date night,” the organizers, Bluewater Technologies, say. This is the fifth year for the experience where the award-winning team have transformed a natural forest landscape into an immersive wonderland with interactive LED walls, projection mapping, synchronized audio systems, and responsive lighting.
Get ready for I-375 changes
WindsorOntarioNews.com Nov 1 2024
Get ready for some design changes when exiting the Windsor-Detroit car tunnel into the streets of Detroit. Construction will soon begin (unspecified date) on converting the longtime I-375 freeway into a six-lane boulevard with natural median strips. It’s part of the Reconnecting Communities project. When I-375 was built it usurped the storied Black Bottom and Paradise Valley African-American business and entertainment districts and created a mote between the downtown core and near eastside residents. And, says the Michigan Dept. of Transportation, the freeway is “old and doesn't meet current standards for safety and reliability.” Changes will see new connections including from the riverfront, Greektown, Eastern Market and the current nearby entertainment districts. As for commuters and Canadians who often take I-75 to northern suburbs, an “upgraded interchange” will be built “for getting traffic on and off I-75 safely.” Ironically, says MDOT, mainline I-75 motorists “will benefit” as the 25 and 30 mph ramps will be removed and replaced with a more gradual curve to access I-75. The boulevard will be accessed from a new diverging diamond interchange. Currently in both directions, commuters have to exit off the mainline when approaching I-375. Heading to I-75 north, the mainline freeway continues for a short distance to Gratiot Ave. while I-75 north is a sharp 25 mph exit. On I-75 south, the mainline turns into I-375 while I-75 exits onto a 30-mph ramp.
Photo: MDOT
City exploring bike parking options
WindsorOntarioNews.com October 2 2024
The City of Windsor will explore more options to make it easier for cyclists to park their bikes. This could mean retrofitting existing city facilities including parking garages and installing bike lockers. It follows a discussion this summer at city council’s transportation committee. Various options, some more costly than others, were explored. These included adding bike parking for a fee, especially at public events. The city has already done this but there is a “significant cost” for security to monitor bikes. Councillor Kieran McKenzie wondered if the city could “incentivize or compel” business to provide parking. Shawna Boakes, city operations director, said the city is “looking at policies for new construction, but for existing businesses it is an ongoing discussion,” according to meeting minutes. As for new developments the city is updating bylaws to strengthen parking requirements. McKenzie also wanted to know “the rationale” for not recommending bike corrals in on-street parking during winter months. Boakes said bikes would have to be removed for snow clearance but staff can report back on the cost. McKenzie also wanted to know if BIA partners are “looking at opportunities” to provide parking in city owned garages. Boakes said there’s space in the Pelissier St. garage but the Goyeau St. garage doesn’t have first floor parking. Those garages are staffed and monitored but surface lots are not. Councillor Renaldo Agostino said the city could generate “significant” revenue by charging $15 per bike for one parking space with 20 bikes vs. $130 for one car. Meanwhile, Boakes said the city currently owns just one bike locker “and it is rarely used.” Agostino wondered if the city is “discouraging” bike rental companies from locating at city events. But Kathleen Quenneville, the Active Transportation Coordinator, said those firms in fact are “discouraged (because) it may not be safe for pedestrians.”
Cabana Road to extend past airport
WindsorOntarioNews.com Sept. 18 2024
City Council is being asked to approve a change in the street names of Division Rd. and County Rd. 42 east to the city limits, just past Windsor Airport. The reason? “Consistency” a city report says. It comes as plans for improvements to the adjoining Lauzon Pkwy – which ends at County Rd. 42 - are in the works. An earlier report also called for improvements to the roadway, which would be called Cabana Road East. At present, Cabana Road East begins at Ouellette Ave. and ends at Devonwood Ave. At the Devonwood Ave. intersection the road’s name changes to Division Rd. (photo) which extends past Walker Road to the CN Tracks. At the CN Tracks the name changes again to County Rd. 42 extending to the city’s eastern boundary. It’s not expected that street address numbers will change. “The current street numbering system from Devonwood Avenue to the east city limit increases in sequential order,” the report says. Residents don’t have to be notified under the city's street renaming policy. However, public notice must be sent out and a newspaper advertisement published, which have been done. “No objections were brought forward from the planning department regarding the name change,” the report says. The change will cost the city $28,000 for items like removing existing signs and installing new ones, public notices and bylaw registration.
Photo: Google Street View
Detroit luring tourists with its murals
WindsorOntarioNews.com Sept. 12 2024
On the heels of a public art initiative at last spring’s NFL Draft the City of Detroit wants its multitude of public murals to become a permanent tourist attraction, Crain’s Detroit Business reports - “Detroit aims to use its hundreds of murals to open doors for tourism." The initiative may be fresh but Detroit has been known for its growing mural scene for years. The city has an online app called Detroit Mural Guide curated by Viranel Clerard who has documented the city’s public art scene since 2015. According to Visit Detroit, Clerard “is on a mission to tie in the history of Detroit (and) document public art.” Clerard photographed more than 1000 public art murals and researched details about artists and why the murals were commissioned. "Part of my definition of a mural is whether it is publicly accessible,” he says. “It has to be on an exterior wall of a building." He says the difference between graffiti and murals is the latter benefit the community and not the artist, "Is the artist giving their time and effort to the community? Or are they tagging their names and self-promoting?" The Guide includes a mural by famed Mexican and DIA artist Diego Rivera’s last living assistant in southwest Detroit. There’s “Aretha Franklin” by Desiree Kelly on the corner of Winder St & Russell St in Eastern Market, “Stevie Wonder” by artist Richard Wilson – “a full-fledged tourist attraction” – outside the Music Hall downtown. “Girl with the D Earring” is at Grand Boulevard and Woodward Avenue in Milwaukee Junction. It re-envisions Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring.” There are the Mexicantown Murals, one of the most beautiful at the Plaza del Norte Welcome Center in Mexicantown near the Ambassador Bridge - a celebration of Mexican culture.
Head east to visit these Badlands
WindsorOntarioNews.com August 13 2024
When it comes to badlands you might think of the Wild West. But badlands exist only a few hours drive from Windsor in of all places the GTA. They’re the Cheltenham Badlands, a “geological gem” according to the ministry of tourism. The brown coloured desert like humped series of terrain – 36 hectares altogether – is locate just northwest of Brampton in Caledon. They originated 450 million years ago as an ancient sea bed. But they became visible only over roughly the past 100 years. That’s when settlers cleared homesteads, leading to soil erosion and the “distinct Queenston shale formations.” They're now preserved as a natural site run by Ontario Heritage Trust. “It is a soft and ancient stone, easily eroded and especially fragile,” Trust spokesman David Leonard said. “While it exists all over sections of southern Ontario it's usually covered by a harder overlaying rock, so you can't usually see it.” How did it form? Glaciers scraped off the harder layers of stone above the shale, leaving a thin layer of topsoil easily eroded when the land was being cleared for farming and logging. Once uncovered, more erosion from rainwater and snowmelt defined the distinctive hills and gullies. People can view from a boardwalk or an adjacent trail or even from the Bruce Trail above. Book ahead to visit at heritagetrust.on.ca/badlands. “We use the Parkpass platform to create and manage bookings,” Leonard said. Timeslots are for either 1.5 or 3 hours and guarantee a parking spot that's a short walk away. “When you arrive, our system will scan your license plate, which you provide at time of booking, and the parking lot gate will open up for you.”
Photo: Ontario Heritage Trust
Kayaking opportunities abound locally
WindsorOntarioNews.com July 29 2024
Kayaking is a great summer pastime. And the region doesn’t lack spots to dip a rented lightweight watercraft into our streams, harbours, rivers and lakes. And you don’t have to own a kayak to participate. Among places where you can rent a kayak – or canoe and sometimes the increasingly popular paddle board – are River Canard Canoe Co., Urban Surf Co. in Lakeshore, Pelee Wings on Pt. Pelee and Sup & Sun in Belle River. Kayaking doesn’t require a lot of skill. All you have to do is basically get in one – which can be awkward but a crew member helps – and learn to use your single double blade paddle, which doesn’t require much learning. It can feel slightly unnerving at first because the craft is so lightweight and a slight shifting in weight and make you feel like you’re flipping. But it takes a lot of weight to flip. Should that occur you’ll be wearing a life jacket as all licensed rental companies mandate you wear them. You also have to sign a waiver before getting in the boat. Fees vary but usually start at $25 for the first hour. River Canard has a flat $48 fee for four hours. Urban Surf and Pelee Wings start at $25 and add $10 for each subsequent hour. ($15 weekends for Sup.) Each offers a different experience. Paddling the Canard River is serene but slightly choppier as you head west to the Detroit River. Moving inland it’s as serene as can be. Urban Surf starts you off in the Pike Creek harbour where your sharing space with motorized craft (you keep to the right going out and in). Once on Lake St. Clair you can maneuver by some of the fanciest homes on Lake St. Clair and paddle by Beach Grove Golf & Country Club. Sup & Sun at County Rd. 22 and the Belle River harbour also offers a cruise out to the lake and the packed Lakeview Park Beach on summer weekends. At Pelee Wings there are a couple of choices. You can rent and dip into open Lake Erie or pay the entrance fee ($7.90 day pass) at the national park and pick up a kayak for cruising along the Pelee marsh. They’ll also shuttle you (for a fee) to nearby Hillman Marsh and Cedar Creek.
Peche Island: bucolic, yes, but some extras for walkers would be helpful
WindsorOntarioNews.com July 16 2024
By RON STANG/WON publisher
The first thing you notice about Peche Island is how close it is to mainland Windsor. The island, which the city took over from the provincial government in 1999, is 86 acres of small-scale rustic wilderness. But it does have a history beyond flora and fauna. It was once the summer estate of whisky baron Hiram Walker. The City of Windsor last week restarted tours of the island after completing emergency protocols there. I showed up for a tour Saturday as the only pre-booked guest thinking I might find a crowded boat. At first I was the lone passenger and then three walk-ins came. The tour is only $10 though there is a guided tour around and on the island for $30. A pontoon boat takes you from Lakeview Park Marina the 330 meters across the Detroit River channel to a dock with an attractive Peche Island sign, picnic pavilion and restrooms. From there, there are a few trails that take you through the island to the northern tip (about a half hour walk). The trails start out groomed but are less so as the walk goes on. There’s also, surprisingly, a general absence of trail markers and one can get the feeling of losing one’s way. At one point, at the remnants of an elegant bridge from the Walker era, the trail breaks into two. There is also a trail down to the west side beach though I couldn’t find the beach and turned back, worried about making the last boat back. But it was fun to see so many pleasure craft docked alongside, their passengers lazing on a hot sultry afternoon. I was a little disappointed that there is no trail around the island’s circumference, that basically you’re walking through woods near the island’s centre. Another passenger, Kirk, said the same. “I thought it was good,” he said of the trails. “They just need to put a little more signage up and a few things like that.” There was signage, including one stating some trees are 175 years old. But there could have been more and they could have been in better condition. Fellow passenger Susan loved the visit. “It’s quite lovely, the birds were unbelievable,” she said. “And you can do that thing that the Japanese do - forest bathing - where you walk through trees and you just zone out. It’s good for mental health.”
Via's new trains comes with new fees
WindsorOntarioNews.com July 3 2024
With Via Rail’s new fleet of Venture trains introduced in Windsor last week expect to pay for seat selection and baggage. The fees had been suspended when the company’s new reservation system was launched late last year. The fees were reintroduced last month. A $7 fee will be applied on the cheapest Escape fare ticket. Those in Economy, Economy Plus and Business Plus won’t have to pay extra. However, the single seats in the new trains will command an additional fee. “Passengers travelling on a regular Business fare will have to pay a seat selection fee to pick one of the single seats, although picking any of the paired seats will remain free or charge, and it will still be possible for passengers to automatically be assigned one of the single seats,” Transport Action Canada, a passenger lobby group, says. Meanwhile baggage fees have been reintroduced at a lower rate. The second bag fee for Economy passengers now varies by fare type, with a $25 fee for Escape, $20 for Economy, and only $15 for passenger travelling Economy Plus rather than $25 for all passengers. “This is lower than the $40 fee for a second bag that applied before November 2023,” the lobby group says. And “the perk” of a free second bag for students has not been brought back due to lack of train car space. Meanwhile Via is now charging for parking at smaller stations in southwestern Ontario including Chatham and Woodstock. Fees are being collected by Indigo, which charges at Windsor’s station. “For shorter journeys these new parking charges could add significantly to the cost of choosing the train,” Transport Action says.
People Mover getting used Toronto cars
WindsorOntarioNews.com June 12 2024
The Detroit People Mover is getting some new cars – to it – except they're used cars discarded from Toronto. The DPM’s dozen two car trains will be replaced by similar sets from the now closed Scarborough Line 3, which closed almost a year ago. The line is being replaced by a subway extension and buses now serve the link. The cars are identical to those of the DPM and in fact are older, in service since 1985 versus the DPM’s 1987 start date. Both are Canadian built in Kingston by the Urban Transportation Development Corp. Detroit transportation manager Robert Cramer said that, despite the age, the vehicles are in better shape than the DPM’s. That’s because they’ve had upgrades that the DPM has not. “It's a dream come true because Toronto decided to shut their system down and had these cars that weren't valuable to them or anyone else but of course, because of the uniqueness to our system ... the parts on these cars are hard for us to find. To have this fall in our lap is pretty amazing,” he told The Detroit News. Detroit will also receive a warehouse worth of spare parts. Cramer said it’s rare to find this type of monorail equipment. "The People Mover has tight curves and short platforms 80 feet long and that means we have to use unusually short cars," he said. The DPM is currently free to ride for the entire year as a private company, a DPM sponsor, is covering the cost. Detroit has been improving other parts of the DPM including replacing tracks and fixing all the escalators before this Spring’s NFL Draft. There’s new security cameras, kiosks and video boards for the 13 stations. The DPM runs on a three-mile loop through downtown.
Photo: Wikipedia
Detroit's inner city airport reviving
WindsorOntarioNews.com May 29 2024
Detroit’s inner city airport is about to get new life. The Coleman A. Young International Airport, named after the late mayor and somewhat dormant for many years, is being revived. The city has signed an agreement with manager Avflight for a 30-year lease to operate the site. Construction this summer will begin on a new 3000 sq. ft. terminal (image) along with a 15,000 sq. ft. hangar. “The structures will greatly enhance the airport’s amenities, services and security, making (the airport) an enticing option for transient visitors, airport tenants, charter operators and more,” the city says in a release. Detroit COO Brad Dick predicts a few years from now Detroit will “once again has a truly state-of-the-art airport within our city limits.” AvFlight has been part of the airport, on a short-term lease basis, since 2011. “We’re proud of our operation at KDET (the airport code),” said Avflight’s Vice President of Operations, Joe Meszaros. “We’ve always seen the value in preserving Coleman A. Young International Airport’s operations and have worked hard the last decade and a half to not only keep it operational, but also make it a successful enterprise—one that supports the city’s economy by serving as a gateway to Detroit business and as an employer of Detroit’s citizens.” Already, improvements have included a $350,000 LED taxi lighting upgrade and $3.5 million runway renovation. The future will also see a $1.2 million ramp pavement improvement project and $8.1 million engineered material "arresting" system which helps stop aircraft at a runway’s end. A new control tower will be built in 2026. While the airport has limited commercial flights MyFlight Tours Detroit operates from there. It’s also the base of the city’s police aviation unit. At one time airlines such as Southwest flew out of there. The airport is located on Conner St. north of Gratiot on Detroit’s northeast side.
Largest bus garage you may have never noticed succumbs to the wrecking ball
WindsorOntarioNews.com April 29 2024
It’s a building you may have seen out of the corner of your eye crossing the Ambassador Bridge. Or maybe not. The yellow brick building said “Greyhound” on it. The huge two block garage was once the largest bus garage in the USA, if not the world, but has now been being torn down. Its owner, an affiliate of the company that owns the Ambassador Bridge, is redeveloping the site in conjunction with the City of Detroit and a neighbourhood group. Part of it will also become part of an expanded bridge plaza. The 240,000 sq. ft. garage was opened in 1948. In its heyday as many as 600 buses per day could be serviced there. It was state of the art for its time. It had all manner of mechanical and personnel facilities. According to Historic Detroit these included a paint-spraying department, engine-cleaning section, two automatic bus-washing stations (capable of washing a bus in 40 seconds), and air-conditioned dormitory and lounge for drivers. There were 17 hoists and 12 service pits for oil changes, with 275 mechanical staff. Beyond the garage service areas, the facility had a paint shop, parts stock room and held the executive offices of Great Lakes Greyhound. “We are building for the future," Robert W. Budd, president of Great Lakes Greyhound, told The Detroit News during a building preview. "The far-reaching maintenance facilities of this garage constitute a major step forward in our efforts to provide continuously better bus transportation. The erection of this garage is a positive demonstration of our faith in the progress of Detroit and the Great Lakes area." Greyhound used the garage until just over three decades ago. The building was also used by the late lamented Detroit Crowley’s department store chain as a warehouse. Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Maroun eventually bought the garage, as he had many properties along the waterfront. Demolition began in mid-February and was completed mid-April. Apparently, an effort was made to save the silver-coloured Greyhound logos, iconic in the neighbourhood.
New Detroit sign, Windsor tunnel changes, for NFL Draft Experience
WindsorOntarioNews.com April 16 2024
The City of Detroit has a new sign – in fact several of them. The first one – the largest - is an illuminated sign on I -94. The others will be placed on other main thoroughfares leading into the Motor City in time for this month’s NFL Draft. The largest sign simply spells out DETROIT and there will be five smaller "Welcome to Detroit" signs, the city says. The signs were designed and fabricated by Detroit-based and family-owned Fairmont Sign Co., which made the famous Fox Theatre sign. All the signs cost $425,000 with the large one $270,000. Partners DTE Energy lit the sign last night and landscaping will be completed this week. For Windorsites probably the most noticeable sign – green with the City of Detroit crest – will be along I-75 at 8 Mile Rd., which marks the city boundary. Meanwhile some streets in downtown Detroit have been closed as of last night to accommodate the build out of the NFL Draft Experience presented by Rocket Mortgage at Hart Plaza, a free fan festival taking place during all three days of the Draft April 25-27. Closures include both eastbound and westbound Jefferson Avenue in front of Hart Plaza near the Windsor-Detroit tunnel. But all sidewalks are open, access to businesses maintained, and “patronizing our downtown establishments during the Draft build out is encouraged,” the city says. All tunnel traffic must use I-375 during the M-10 (Lodge Expy)/Jefferson Avenue closures. Windsor-bound traffic should use Jefferson to Randolph St. to access the tunnel.
Butterflies are free at Meijer Gardens
WindsorOntarioNews.com March 29 2024
The largest collection of butterflies in the United States is featured at the Meijer Gardens' 38th Annual Butterfly Exhibition now until the end of April. Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park is located in Grand Rapids, MI. This year's edition examines "the microscopic detail and beauty of butterflies." Some 60 butterfly and moth species from Costa Rica, Ecuador, the Philippines, and Kenya can be observed in the five-story, 15,000-square foot Lena Meijer Tropical Conservatory. At 85 degrees and 70 per cent humidity the conservatory mimics the tropical regions the butterflies call home. The species "can be viewed drinking nectar from the flowering plants and feeding stations, flying freely within the towering tropical conservatory." Some 1000 chrysalids are delivered to Meijer Gardens each week of the exhibition. "Guests can watch delicate chrysalids and
cocoons being placed in the Observation Station, where these unique and fascinating creatures transform and spread their wings for the first time. Gliders such as the emperor, ruby-spotted and orchard swallowtails will add to the diverse assortment." Special children's activities are featured throughout. Tuesday Night Lights encourages visitors to bring flashlights to search for the flying beauties. Guest speakers on different topics are featured on various dates.
Air Canada captivates, and acknowledges flyover country
WindsorOntarioNews.com March 10 2024
Air Canada, at least on long haul flights with video screen embedded in the back of passengers’ seats, displays captive advertising. For example, after the safety demonstration video is completed, a passenger can be subjected to several advertisements in a row. Usually passengers can turn off the screen or alter it depending on other video content, such as movies or TV shows, but they cannot change the screen while the advertising is running. Said Air Canada to a WON request for comment, “With respect to advertising, our IFEs (In-flight Entertainment Experience) have hosted sponsored content since they were first introduced fleetwide about two decades ago.” That may be true but the ability not to control it was news to airline rights activist Gabor Lukacs, a professor of mathematics at Halifax’s Dalhousie University. “If you have no way of turning off the audio/video, then it is a problem - wrong morally for sure, although I cannot pull a case that says that it is wrong legally too,” the president and founder of Air Passenger Rights says. Gábor has filed more than two dozen successful complaints with the Canadian Transportation Agency, challenging airlines’ terms, conditions, and practices, and resulting in orders to amend “conditions of carriage and offer better protection to passengers," his website says. Meanwhile, the airline has introduced an aerial version of better known ground organizations’ popular and sometimes controversial so-called Indigenous Land Acknowledgements. Since planes are not based on land but flying in the sky the airline's version is as follows: “Air Canada acknowledges the Indigenous peoples’ ancestral and traditional lands we fly over” (photo of video capture) showing, perhaps fittingly, a forest with a stream running through it, way down, of course, below.
Photo: JP Gladu/X
You can reach heights in this exhibit
WindsorOntarioNews.com February 12 2024
It’s kind of like that old movie Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. Only “those magnificent men” are anybody, as the Michigan Science Center stages its Above and Beyond exhibit. The 6,000 sq. ft. interactive exhibit offers an “unprecedented interactive demonstration of advances in aviation and aerospace, from the first powered flights to the newest innovations on Earth and in space,” according to the museum, which used to be known as the Detroit Science Center and is located across the street from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA). And you’ve heard of the movie The Right Stuff? Well, this exhibit “will push our guests to their limits and help them discover” if they’ve indeed got what astronauts have, says CEO Christian Greer. In fact, visitors “won’t want to miss the opportunity to fly in formation like a bird or test pilot a totally new aircraft of their own design, all while applying STEM skills and having fun exploring the future of aerospace.” Guests first enter an immersive wraparound theatre and then walk into five galleries with dozens of interactive exhibits. You can ride to the edge of space in a simulated space elevator or in your own supersonic fighter jet in a virtual high speed flying competition. You can even simulate what it’s like to fly like a bird as part of a flock. Exhibit technology like flight simulation, an immersive theatre, touch display and augmented reality offer an experiential understanding of the science behind flying. This travelling exhibit is sponsored by the Boeing aircraft company to celebrate its 100th birthday.
Windsor Holocaust victims among voices part of new museum exhibit
WindsorOntarioNews.com January 26 2024
Sunday January 28 marks the grand opening of the Zekelman Holocaust Center’s new main exhibit featuring the first person recorded stories of Holocaust survivors, many of whom are from Windsor. Those stories continue the legacy of the museum, located in Farmington Hills, Mi. that is the namesake of the Canadian family including industrialist Barry Zekelman, which has benefacted the museum which first opened in the 1980s. “Michigan and neighboring Ontario have many Holocaust survivors and we recorded many of those testimonies so we were able to really use those testimonies as the cornerstone of the exhibit,” Rabbi Eli Mayerfeld, the museum’s CEO, told WON. The new exhibit is part of a $31 million renovation that visitors will also view Sunday, the same weekend as Holocaust Remembrance Day on Saturday. The new exhibit departs from the traditional “didactic” approach of many museums by placing emphasis on the first-person accounts of Holocaust victims. Besides the recorded video testimonies visitors will see archival footage, images, and artifacts. Mayerfeld said that by “localizing the history” the museum demonstrates that the Shoah (Hebrew for Holocaust) “did not happen so long ago or so far away.” In a press release, the museum says recasting the exhibit at this time reflects a new “urgency” and ensures survivor stories “remain accessible to future generations.” The museum’s re-opening comes at a poignant time. Since the Oct. 7 attacks on Israelis by Hamas terrorists – whose charter calls for the extermination of Jews – there has been a more than 300 per cent increase in antisemitic attacks compared to the previous year. “Learning about the Holocaust helps visitors understand the potential consequences of antisemitism, and how to counter it today,” Mayerfeld said. On Sunday admission is free beginning at 9.30 am, a dedication ceremony takes place at 11 am, a survivor talk featuring Irene Miller will be held at 12 noon, a conversation with the curator and exhibit designer at 1.30 pm and a spotlight on women in the Holocaust at 2.30 pm.
Detroit downtown to Metro Airport express bus pilot to start this spring
WindsorOntarioNews.com January 11 2024
It didn’t take long for a Michigan transportation authority to okay a pilot downtown Detroit to Metro Airport express bus service, despite the fact a public comment period (see sidebar) still isn’t over yet. The Regional Transit Authority (RTA) of Southeast Michigan said the “Detroit to Airport Express Service” would start operating in the spring. It would make 16 trips a day from 3.30 am to 11 pm. A soft launch will begin in March with a full launch in April. “We are excited about the proposed Detroit to Airport Express Service pilot and the benefits it will provide our community,” Ben Stupka, the RTA’s executive director, said in a statement. “This pilot will allow us to gauge the impact of a new direct way for people to travel back and forth to DTW from Downtown Detroit, and it’s important for as many people as possible to share their input about what’s to come.” The service will be operated by Michigan Flyer, an East Lansing-based bus company that already runs its AirRide service between the airport and Ann Arbor, Brighton and East Lansing. The exact bus stops still haven’t been determined. But, at Metro, the service will leave from the airport’s McNamara Terminal and the Evans Terminal’s ground transportation area. The pilot is designed to be in service in time for the NFL spring draft April 25-27, taking place at Ford Field in Detroit.
Not much can be done about an increase in local short line whistles
WindsorOntarioNews.com Dec 7 2023
Essex Terminal Railway (ETR) train whistles are increasingly disrupting east side residents but it’s a problem that appears solvable only by major expenditures on items like road crossing gates. Residents appeared before a city transportation committee this fall but were told by ETR that whistles are "in compliance” of a minimum of 96 decibels. ETR president Tony De Thomasis said the horns and whistles are ”regularly tested” and in compliance with Transport Canada regs. Councillor Mark Mckenzie asked why there was an increase in train whistle noise. De Thomasis said it’s because there’s been an “increase in volume of activity and frequency due to an increase in business activity, manufacturing and processing,” according to meeting minutes. The ETR’s main yard by Lincoln Rd. has seen an increase in train movements. While operating hours “ideally” are finished by midnight “on occasion, and on an infrequent basis there may be operating hours beyond midnight in order to accommodate a customer.” Rail operations begin between 6 and 7 am. De Thomasis said the only way to solve the problem is by installing mechanical gates at affected crossings. He said this wasn’t feasible due to the "millions" of dollars in costs. But the railway is exploring ways to access funding for crossing improvements from provincial and federal sources. Meanwhile the ETR suggests that new building construction near tracks take place “around a certain radius" and reinforced by double pane windows, brick construction, sound barriers and vibration proof foundations. De Thomasis said the railway is willing to work with the city on any improvements.
Photo: ETR